Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Trouble Staying Afloat with Your Business?

You may have started your own business for freedom from a regular J-O-B, to follow a passion, express your creativity or any number of great liberating reasons. But then something happened and it became tougher and tougher to stay afloat. It’s not easy to keep sales up and all the while, your expenses are increasing and debt is growing.

If things have been getting tough and you feel the entrepreneurial walls closing in on you, take heart. Most small businesses face tough times at some point and even though it seems like there is no way out, there are some very practical solutions and strategies you can implement to reverse the vicious cycle.

One way you can do this is what’s called a “Small Business Turnaround”. This is a process of reorganizing your business so it’s profitable, you’re able to pay bills when they are due and you can also earn a decent living for yourself.

Turnarounds are generally conducted by Turnaround Consultants, but they don’t come cheap. It can cost thousands upon thousands of dollars to work with a consultant and when your business is suffering, it seems impossible to come up with that kind of cash.

If your business is in dire need of an AFFORDABLE turnaround and you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get a little dirty, here is the perfect option…

Van Lanier’s Turnarounds Made Easy is a unique 6-month program that provides you with weekly guidance and assignments to get your business back on the right track. It even includes a Quick Start Up Plan, so you can see some immediate relief.

Van has been a Turnaround Specialist for over 3 decades and knows what it takes reorganize and structure your business because you shouldn’t have to scramble around every single month. As a member of Turnarounds Made Easy, you also receive personal expert guidance to ensure you’re moving in the right direction.

The program will help you:

- Take control of your cash flow, so you always have what you need available.
- Easily implement financial analysis to help diagnose your business troubles.
- Find your real core business that you can build around.
- Arrange reasonable payments plans with your creditors.
- Raise your prices for bigger profit margins.

…and more. It’s exactly what you need to turn your business around. All the details are available at Van’s website:

Just go check it out - You have nothing to lose - Click here to visit his site